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Carmona Pet Food

Personalized Weight Loss Plan - "my pet is offline, how can I fix it?"

Personalized Weight Loss Plan - "my pet is offline, how can I fix it?"

Regular price €60,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €60,00 EUR
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It's true, probably this section will almost never be visited because "Every cockroach is beautiful to mamma soja!"

Jokes aside, how many times have you seen overweight or obese dogs and cats on the street, in friends' houses, in the park, on TV?

Generally these dogs are friendly, they give a sense of tenderness but....

One of the first pathologies that develops in overweight animals and even more so in obese subjects is diabetes, followed closely by tracheal collapse (especially in small-sized subjects) and joint problems.

"How can I tell if my pet is overweight?"

Below we report a small excerpt from our brochure, in which the BCS scale is explained.

The BCS scale is nothing more than a self-assessment parameter that assigns a score based on the adipose layer.

In summary: A normal weight animal must have ribs that can be felt to the touch without having to apply any type of pressure.

But now comes the question: " How can I make my pet lose weight and understand when the ideal weight has been reached?"

This is where we Veterinary Technicians and Veterinary Doctors experts in Dietetics and Nutrition come into play.

Through simple questions (e.g. breed, age, sex, sterilized, lifestyle, etc.) the profile of the animal is created, subsequently through the visual evaluation of the animal the score is established according to the BCS scale (Body Condition Score); finally, through mathematical formulas that take into account different coefficients of variation, the daily calorie requirement of your beloved pet is calculated.

Once this data is reached, knowing the type of food consumed by your pet, the correct daily quantity will be provided.

Finally, a weekly weight loss plan will be prepared in which the objectives to be achieved will be set out (Don't worry, you will not be alone, we will follow you step by step)

It's very simple: it's a simple table in which the spiders within which to stay each week are shown, you just have to weigh your pet, digitally fill in the table and talk to us about the results obtained.

How do I book a Personalized Weight Loss Plan?

Once the purchase is complete, you will receive an email containing the invoice and a link through which you can decide the day and time to virtually meet Dr. Alessio Monti Carelli.

Once the meeting is over, you will receive by email all the material necessary to best manage the nutrition and well-being of your friend.

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Tempi e costi di spedizione

  • Spedizione in 1-4 giorni lavorativi in Italia ed Europa.
    Costi di spedizione:
  • 0.25kg–3kg: 4,50 €

  • 3.01kg–5kg: 5,50 €

  • 5.01kg–10kg: 6,50 €

  • 10.01kg–20kg: 8,50 €

  • 20.01kg–30kg: 10,50 €

  • 30.01kg–50kg: 17,00 €

  • 90,00 € in su: Gratis

Politiche di reso

Puoi restituire il tuo ordine gratuitamente entro 14 giorni dall'ordine

  • Consegna rapida 24/72 h

    E consegna gratis oltre i €35

  • Cruelty Free

    Nessun animale è stato e sarà mai maltrattato per la produzione

  • Made in Italy

    Piccoli lotti artigianali per garantire la massima qualità e il valore nutrizionale

Proteggere Animali e Ambiente

Rispettando le loro esigenze nutrizionali uniche

Ingredienti di qualità superiore

Per dare al tuo Pet un'alimentazione e una vita lunga e sana.